If you are tasked with solving search relevance problems even if not in Solr or Elasticsearch it should be your first reference. Easily one of the most interesting technical books I have read in a long time.
I have had this problem 3 times in the last year and have to manually update my account/accounts defeats the. Fixes that improve your Quicken Mac experience Fixed an issue regarding screen freeze when performing refresh. Click the Update Email or Intuit ID link to open the web site in your web browser. Click the Connected Services icon in the Preferences window toolbar. I am receiving CC-502 connection errors and once started last for approximately 30 days and then the connection restarts and I am able to download my transactions automatically. In Quicken 2015, choose the Quicken > Preferences menu item. Relevant Search: With Applications for Solr and Elasticsearchįor more in depth reading about search, ranking and generally everything you could ever want to know about how lucene, elasticsearch or solr work under the hood I highly suggest this book. I am running Quicken 2015 and have had intermittent problems connecting to my bank accounts for updates.